Le Maroc, Obama et le ramasseur de balle

Publié le par Louis de Fouchier

Time flies in the northen tip of Africa. I’ve been here for more than 3 months and just posted a couple of papers on my blog.. Winter is behind us now. Winter in Morocco means 15 degres. I’ve been through tougher winters before.

Morocco is a very interesting country to live in at the moment. Major changes are taking place in all fields of the society.

One says that Mohammed V, the king that came back on the throne in 1956 built the nation, Hassan II built the state and Mohammed VI –the current King- is building the society. This statement holds its part of truth. Since M6 took the throne, the Kingdom has open up.

This is not propaganda. From an economic perspective, Morocco signed a couple of free trade agreements with countries such as the US or European Union. This represents a total market of 1 billion customers. This daring step has sparkled fears from the indigenous companies of being overwhelmed with foreign goods but so far it’s been a driver for change.

The kingdom bets that economic growth will benefit all layers of the population and contributes fixing major issues such as unemployment among the youth or slums. Discontent is growing and, despite a tradition of tolerance, the islamic party is gathering support and has emerged as the second party in the latest elections.

Social housing, fair justice and massive investment in education will be critical not only to set the stage for further growth in the future but as well to include the poorest Moroccans in this dynamism. Yesterday I played tennis and for the first time of my life, a boy was on the courtyard to pick the balls...

Later on that day I watched a video of an Obama meeting with his wife, Michele, talking for half an hour. She is such a good public speaker! No doubt that this couple embodies change. I believe that she speaks with her heart. I believe her when she is talking on behalf the American working class because she is part of it. Both of them grew up in a poor Chicago suburb and they finished paying back their grant for Harvard just three years ago. And here they are: running for the white house. That’s the beauty of the States, as opposed to what is perceived, the American democracy is one of the most vigorous democracies in the entire world. Their party nominees election system might be weird but if you have a look to blogs one realizes that everybody feels concerned with those elections. And not only in the US…

I’d like to vote for the US candidates. I’m not American but US president is running the world, isn’t he? Shouldn’t we have our says on who is the next one?
I’d love to see Obama as the next president. What this world needs is leadership, not experience. Go Obama!

Click here to have a look to Michele Obama's speech. This is the the latest video and she starts speaking after 35 minutes.

ps: thanks to Philou for the video.
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